Love (Those In) Your Space!

Love your space, and the people that you love in it! On this extremely cold weekend, we wanted to leave you with some fun ideas - from our team to yours.

  1. For a Friend or Co-Worker: Bake some brownies or make a homemade card. Remind them they are special to you! You could also spend the day out with them by going to a fun restaurant or do a fun activity like a scavenger hunt or a gift exchange.

  2. For “That Special Someone”: Make their favorite dinner from scratch. Who doesn’t love their favorite meal, made by someone they love? Or better yet, you could do something new with them like take a dance class together or have a wine & paint night. It's a great way to spice things up and show how much they mean to you.

  3. For the Whole Family: Spend time together making something: cupcakes, fun charts decorated with their names (that could be used for chores!) or writing letters to one another saying one thing you love about them.

  4. For Yourself: Try on all those fun clothes that haven’t seen the light of day for some time, create a new outfit, give yourself a manicure, pedicure, draw a nice bath, cup of tea. Treat yourself, and have fun!

If you are seeking a gift for that special someone looking to get organized in 2016, we offer gift certificates. These make a great gift any time - even last minute. For more information, please click here. 

We want to wish you and yours a cozy February full of love and balance.

Love (always), 
Ditch the Clutter :)

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